Is it possible?

Chelsea • Mommy of two.

Alright so here is the deal. My husband and I decided that we wanted to start TTC so I went and got my IUD removed at Planned Parenthood on the 9/27. I had that IUD in for about a year so it was in there for a while. We did BD on the 9/23 and then I got ovulation spotting on the 9/25. Now I wasn't really worried about getting pregnant yet but on the 1st I started getting light spotting and now I'm starting to get some other weird symptoms (light cramping, unusually soft skin, headaches, and sore breasts) and I am just wondering if it is even possible to be pregnant. We weren't even going to start trying for a couple of months. We are in the process of moving and I was hoping for it to happen after all of that. I'm not complaining, in fact I will be overjoyed if I am but I was just wondering if it is even possible.