Healthy eating


I've been ttc for about 6 months now and realized that I may have a hormone imbalance so I decided to change my diet and take multivitamins to see if that corrects it a bit. I noticed I've had chicken skin on my thighs for years (which I've attributed to a gluten intolerance but bread is life so I live with it). for the last 2 weeks I don't think I've had any bread or pasta. Of course trace amounts of gluten I'm sure in a cream soup but mostly just a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. This morning I was eating breakfast and I noticed I have hives all over my hip area where the chicken skin is. I'm wondering if my body is pushing toxins out through this area from all the healthy foods or if there's another reason for it? I didn't think healthy eating for a couple weeks would have that much of an effect as I've read it can take months to see any results. Any ideas ?