Implantation bleeding, AF or Chemical? Please help :( (TMI Toilet Paper Pics)

Marianna • 24/Newly Wed/TTC #1/PCOS

Hi ladies, I could really use some help here. I've taken four tests since Saturday 3 of which had faint lines, today said negative. I have PCOS so I have super irregular cycles and never know when I ovulate. This month I was on 3 pills of Clomiphene for 5 days and then 5 days of injections to make me ovulate. The medication worked and I found out on the 17th I ovulated, we're just not sure of it was the 16th or 17th. This puts me at about 15-16 dpo and 3 days late of AF. I went to the washroom and saw this. Please help me because I'm so worried and close to tears right now. I will post my HPT in the comments