2ww first cycle of TTC


So I recently had my Mirena IUD removed on August 30. I started a period on September 10/11. I bled until September 24. My husband and I did BD toward the end of my bleeding, and we have been BDing a lot the past few weeks. We don’t know what my ovulation is, when I had the Mirena it was every 28 days like clockwork and I usually ovulated on day 12 or so.

For the past week I have been nauseated, constantly. I just have that gross feeling, nothing is really helping and certain foods just smell and disgust me. My kids already are 12 & 10, so it’s been awhile since I’ve been pregnant. Anyway, according to GLOW, I’m supposed to get AF on Monday. But given my symptoms I’m not sure what’s going on. When I was pregnant with my girls I was never sick and felt great. I mean with my second I was nauseated but nothing horrible.

What do you think? Do I buy some test and try more towards the end of the week?