Not how I planed it but perfect anyways...

LeeO • Wife to my high school sweet heart❤️. Mommy to a girl💖and two boys💙💚

This being baby number three I know things don't always go as planed, but I was still hoping to avoid induction after having my first two that way. With my main goal being to avoid induction, except if something medically came up or I reached 42 weeks. My goal was to labor at home as long as I could then head to the hospital and have my little mystery baby seeing how we did not find out the sex. Well thing come up and you ultimately have to do what's best for baby and yourself.

I'll begin at 38weeks when things stared to go a little south, up to this point I had a health pregnancy. At 38 weeks my blood pressure went up 152/90, I had my first NST done and baby was health. My midwife put me on bed rest and had me come back in a couple days to recheck my blood pressure and the baby and why it came down some she still was not happy with it but other then that baby was health and everything but my blood pressure looked good. After that I was seeing my midwife ever three day for a check up and having NST and ultrasounds to make sure baby looked good. At 39 weeks I stared to experience early labor that would never pick up it would start go on for hours then just stop even after having my membrane striped one time at 39weeks. This all went on to I was 41 weeks+1 day. I got up that morning and around 8 a.m. I notice my contractions have been picking up a little bit. I went to my appointment seen my midwife she did another membrane strip I was 3cm, put me on the NST Machine I was having contractions every 5 minutes for 30 to 40 seconds. She liked the way that looked so I went on over to ultrasound to check the fluids around baby to make sure I was still fine to go home and hopefully labor on my own until it was time to go to the hospital. Well ultrasound showed that the fluids around baby were too low. My midwife did not feel comfortable just letting me go home to labor. She asked me to go ahead and go over to labor and delivery and get checked in to be monitored through the night with the hopes baby would come. If baby didn't come by morning we would start induction. Not what I wanted but being passed 40 weeks, the fluid around the baby being low and my high blood pressure I agreed that it was best. I call my husband to tell him the news, I had to tell him three times before it registered with him what I was saying. Get home, get my stuff, get things set up for my other two kids to be attended to and head to the hospital. Oh and eat! Because once you get to the hospital they are not going to feed you or let you eat. So if you have a choice to eat before you go to the hospital please do so. We got checked in just after 4 o'clock that after noon. Which that process was fine until they had to start my IV and I have a little veins so after two nurses and three sticks they get it in my hand not the best spot but it works. I'm checked about 5pm and I'm at 4cm. After that it was just a waiting game everything went fine my contractions seem to stay anywhere from 4 to 7 minutes apart lasting anywhere from 30 to 90 seconds. Why they were uncomfortable I was pretty much able to sleep on and off throughout the night. Then right before 4 that morning my nurse comes in and starts having me roll over because the baby came off the monitor nothing, another nurse walks in and then my midwife runs in and starts yelling for oxygen having me turn over she tries to get the baby to move from inside me or something ever uncomfortable and a scary moment to say the least. This feels like it takes forever but they get the baby back on the monitor and they decide they're not starting Pitocin at 5 AM they want to see how things go a little bit longer. They think baby just rolled on to the cord and cut off oxygen but nothing to concerning see how we where fine before and then after continuing to monitor me for a couple hours fine afterwards. So about 6:40ish am I'm checked, only at 5cm after laboring all day and night. My midwife breaks my water and we start Pitocin after 30 minutes I'm asking for the epidural they can't get there fast enough. Pit makes contractions unbearable! They get it in and all is right in the world, I'm felling fantastic. I'm sitting there talking with my husband and my dad waiting for my kids and my mom to get there. Thinking I'm going to get to see ever one before little one shows up who is doing great on the monitors by the way. But I start to feel uncomfortable and having back pain so I asked my dad to step outside so my nurse can come in and help me get moved around and hopefully get comfortable so my epidural could work better. Well she wants to check me even though I'm not feeling any pressure I tell her to go ahead and she go yep there's babies head! I have my husband tell my dad to wait in the waiting room and I text my mom and tell her to wait in the waiting room with the kids as babies on the way. My midwife is getting everything on the nurses are breaking down the bed to get everything ready for me to push. My epidural is working good so they have to tell me when I'm having contractions. So after about 27hrs of labor four of which was with Pitocin, and six pushes my midwife lays baby on me at 11:29AM and ask what we have I look and we have a baby BOY! My little guy starts crying and so do I, I'm crying and looking from baby to husband saying we have two boys now. Husband smiles and say I don't think big sis is going to be to happy. I put the baby against my skin and he immediately starts moving around and latches on my husband like he already know what to do. By this time the midwife asked my husband to cut the cord and after we three are in are on little world loving little man. When I notice a smell and I look at the baby and he had pooped all over me and him. 😂 He's going to love seeing them pictures when he gets older. They finally take him to clean him up and get his measurements. My little bug is 8lbs13oz, 22in and head circumference 13 and a half inches. He is completely healthy all 10 fingers and all 10 toes. Everyone loves him.

May not have been my plan but perfect still the same.

Landis Monroe

Born September 28, 2017 NINE day over due

Everyone loves little bug even sissy who wanted a sister.