spotting question?!?


hi all. so I've been posting alot recently about my tests that I thought I saw a line on. of course, just my eyes playing tricks. I'm on CD 38, negative tests. last night my husband and I bd'd and after I noticed the tiniest little string of blood. not even enough to discolor anything. so I figured my period was coming and I'd check in the morning. so this morning when I went pee, there was some spotting.. enough to barely discolor the toilet paper, but not enough to even talk about. so I figured it was coming today, and I put a panty liner on. I've have mild cramps a little bit today, but I keep feeling like my periods coming so I keep running to the bathroom and there's nothing there. I'm so confused. I really thought I was pregnant this month, then I start spotting so I figured my period was coming and now there's nothing again. has this ever happened to anyone else? and did you get your period shortly after or a bfp?


the cramping is gone and the spotting has stopped. in total I had maybe 2 hours of spotting, if you can really even call it that.
