Scarlett Joanna ❤


Long Story short, our girl came at 36+4 on August 30th. Birth progressed quickly and all was said and done in 8-9 hours. Episdural partially failed around 7 centimeters and at 9 i made the decision to keep going. At least I was still numb in my lady bits but could feel the contractions in my upper pelvis, back and belly at about half strength. She was sunny side up and came out facing my hip at 3:46am. 6lbs 6oz, 20 inches long and looks just like her daddy. She immediately grabbed my finger when they put her on my chest and she still does this 😍

At 27 hours old, she was taken to the NICU and was having pulmonary hypertension and even though we kept asking about her right eye (she was not opening it and it just looked not right) it wasn't the main concern. At 4 days old, she was transferred to a children's hospital after having an episode where her oxygen saturation dropped, her heart rate also dropped and she turned blue.

While she was there, they called in a pediatric ophthalmologist who diagnosed our girl with persist

ant hyperplastic primary vitreous, micro opthalmous, and full white cataract in her right eye. Basically her eye is a lot smaller than her other eye, it did not form properly in utero, and she is blind in that eye and it will only continue to get smaller. We go next week to see about getting a contact like prosthetic. Her other eye is perfectly healthy and so is she 💗