
So this guy and I work together and during the week we spend a good bit of time together. Well since I started there him and I just clicked we get along great which is awesome because it make going to work fun. Well he had applied to grads school during the summer and was able to get and interview a month after. The closer the interview got the more stressed he seemed so I would try my best to do things for him to calm him down like pep talks (a lot of pep talks). Well he kept me very well informed about everything. Now he got excepted which is great I’m very happy for him. So where I’m trying to get with this is that he starts school in January and this school is out of state. And these last couple week have felt different with him. He seems to be letting me into his personal life a little more and I’ve noticed that he’s starting to do a little more. Well our relationship isn’t just an at work thing we talk (text, Snapchat, etc) outside of work. And I’ve been noticing him doing kind jesters for me like asking if I’m okay wanting to know more about me personally eating lunch together during our lunch break and waiting up on me to walk me to my car. And he’s been parking near me (I know that sounds crazy but really we work at a hospital we have a BIG parking lot). My whole thing is that he’s doing all these thing that makes me think that he’s interested in me but he’s leaving in a couple months for 3 years. And doesn’t seem right to start something when we only have just that little of time till he leaves. Idk I’m just very confused on what to do. Like do I just go along with it to see where things go till he leaves? Should I talk to him about how I feel and see if he’s the same way? Or do i just leave it along? HELP!!!!