Boyfriend isnt affectionate now that im pregnant

Me & my boyfriend have been together for 1 year & I am 5 months pregnant. I moved one state away (where I dont know ANYONE) with him so that we could be close to his family so that we can have help with the baby (we will be first time parents). Prior to me getting pregnant, he was more affectionate towards me, often telling me that I was beautiful and giving me random hugs & kisses. He still did this once we found out that I got pregnant , but as my pregnancy progressed he has been more and more distant. He doesnt voluntarily hug or kiss me. He is ALWAYS on his phone on Instagram or Facebook. If not that, then he is sleeping. He works a physically hard labor job which is why I dont really complain about him sleeping , but in his spare time I have begged for him to spend quality time with me and/or help me with our baby registry, etc. and he tells me that he just wants to "chill" bc he is tired from work .. "chill" meaning he just wants to get on his phone and surf the internet. He also barely ever wants to have sex and he recently told me that he feels "weird" having sex bc I am pregnant. I stopped asking for his attention hoping that he would willingly show me attention or affection without me asking. But that hasnt helped either. I asked him if im unattractive to him now and he told me that I look even more beautiful now that im pregnant .. but I really think he is bullshitting me bc of the way he acts now. I am pregnant, my hormones are out of wack and for some reason I am DESPERATE for him to show me some type of affection or attention .. or atleast be interested in setting up for the arrival of our daughter. I dont know what to do, but I am extremely unhappy. Any thoughts on why this is happening or how I should handle this situation ?