My sweet Mason was born at 30 weeks

Melissa • Momma of a crazy 1 year and have just discovered I am pregnant again, due in June. 💙
My sweet Mason was born at 30 weeks. I was admitted on Sunday September 24th because my water unexpectedly broke at 28 weeks 6 days and I was to remain in the hospital until he was born. Doctors tried to make it where he was born at 36 weeks but I son had bigger plans! On Saturday September 30th my contractions started and I was in labor for over 69 hours. 30 hours being no meds other than Percocet and then 39 hours on an epidural. I was experiencing such pain and that’s when they told me to push. They lost his heart rate and the umbilical cord was wrapped around him, and I managed to push him out in record time, 6 minutes. He was born at 3 lbs 6 oz. I’m so proud of me and my Mason Patrick. We’re both fighters and will be okay.