Exciting and tough week

So I just need to express my thoughts for a minute on what has been happening...

So Thursday, almost one week ago, my husband and I signed on our first house! Exciting yes, but there was an error in my name, so we couldn't file with the registry of deeds until Friday. No big deal except we could t get the keys until the , which made us start moving in a littler slower than we originally planned. But like I said no big deal. So all this weekend we started moving stuff in to our new house.

We had some family help with moving what we had packed. Well over the weekend, my one and only wisdom tooth got infected and by Sunday night I was in excruciating pain. I barely slept. So Monday I am calling around to see if anyone can extract the tooth. Finally got an appointment for Tuesday.

Well on my way to work on Monday, I get a call from my husband telling me he got into a car accident. I called work and told them I was going to be late and went to where my husband was to pick him up.

Long story short, he apparently got hit not by one but by two semi trucks, did 360 on the highway and essentially could have died. All while we have a five year old daughter and I'm 35 weeks as of today pregnant with our second girl.

All I can do is thank god he is ok.

Moral of the story:

- new house - check

- got my wisdom tooth extracted - check

- have only one car due to car accident - check

- thank god my husband is still alive - check