I'm a terrible mother.


My daughter is 7 weeks old, and I love her to death. I really do, but I realized last night I'm at a breaking point. I've barely slept in 7 weeks, she doesn't nap for more than 20 minutes, ever, and wakes every 3-4 hours at night. She wants to nurse continuously while she's awake also. It's been just me with her all night and all day. My husband works so I've been making sure he gets a good night's rest, but even when he's home and tries to help she just screams at him until he gives up ( it only takes 5 minutes tops). I feel terrible, but I've gotten to where i don't want to cuddle her or play. I've put her down every chance I've gotten today. I've walked away while she cried a few times too. i hate feeling like this. I shouldn't resent giving my daughter what she needs. I'm failing her and I'm falling apart. I don't know why I'm posting this. I guess I just needed to tell somebody.