My husband 🙄

Ladies, I was so embarrassed.

So, my step mom has been trying so hard to get my husband a job where she works because it’s better pay than his current job. He has interviewed there before, but it was a group interview and he was interviewed 2x, and they didn’t hire him.

So, my step mom called me this morning, telling me that one of the hires isn’t showing up to work, so it looks like they’re gonna let him go. She wants to know if my husband would be able to go in real quick before work. I ask him, he’s still half asleep, and he says no. He doesn’t want to go because they already didn’t hire him, he thinks it’s just a waste of time.

This was just so embarrassing for me because my step mom really pulled a lot of strings and kept working at get him this position, and for him to say “no,” and not even try made me embarrassed to call him my husband, and I decided that I wasn’t gonna let him make me feel that way!

I said to my step mom, “Yep, he’ll be there!”

Then, I dragged his ass out of bed, started the shower, laid out his clothes, and made him go to that damn interview.

He called me after the interview..

“Well, I went.” “And?” “I start on Friday.”

Then he went on to say how pissed he was that I made him get up, but thank you. And I said, damn straight! I wasn’t letting him pass up the opportunity, even if it was a waste of time. But it wasn’t a waste, and I’m SO glad that he went.