Dr said I could be having more than one!


I’m 30, have a 13 month old son. And I’m currently 5 weeks pregnant! I used ovulation strips so I know the exact day that I conceived. (Well, exact weekend 😏) Today I went to the dr and had my initial visit, after getting a blood confirmation of pregnancy. He did my exam, down there & he said im measuring large. Like 6 weeks & that it may be more than 1. He’s a veteran doctor and the lead of the practice where there are 15 doctors on staff. So I super trust his judgement. However, he didn’t want to do an ultrasound yet because he said I wouldn’t see anything since it’s early & would probably just stress. So we scheduled an ultrasound for 2 1/2 weeks from now. When I’ll be 7 1/2 weeks along. So now I’m dying over here!! My maternal grandmother is a twin & there is also twins on my fathers side so it is possible. Just wanted to vent here since only a couple people know, and I don’t know if we want to say anything about possible twins yet. I wanted to see if anyone has had a similar experience.. TIA

So fast forward to today. I’m 6 weeks pregnant! I haven’t had many pregnancy symptoms, just back pain & some fatigue. From what I was reading with twins your symptoms are super intense. So I’m unsure about the twin thing, but What has me thinking it could be true is that I’m already starting to show. Which I know you show sooner with your second- but at 6 weeks? What do u guys think?