Should I continue the relationship?


I just found out last weekend my boyfriend of 9 months has been cheating on me. (We just started a long distance relationship, because he got his dream job, and I still have two years of college left. He lives 3 hours away from me) He has been in an emotional affair for two and a half weeks... I found the messages on his phone. I don't usually go through his messages, but I was making the bed and found his phone and plugged it in because he is terrible at charging it. He accidentally forgot it at home, he was in a rush to get to work that morning. A message popped up "Awww baby it looks great! I'm so sorry I fell asleep last night 😔". So of course I was curious. I found the jackpot. There were so many "baby" " babe" " I miss you, I miss you more" "You're the only woman I need" ect. I couldn't read anymore, I was sick to my stomach. I called the girl and she confirmed it. She apologized ceaselessly, she had no idea about me. She then called all of his friends and proceeded to destroy his reputation. Kudos to her. I left him with a note that said "Goodbye" with my key to the apartment he gave to me hours earlier, and left while he was at work.

I told him I'm not sure if I want to be with him, and I need time to decide. He denied it at first, but has admitted it and has answered every question I've asked. He is miserable without me, and my heart is just broken. I never in a million years would have thought he would cheat on me. I would have laughed in their face if someone told me he was cheating on me. Nothing physical occurred. He explanation was he is an attention whore, and it was nice having more of it. He told me I have done nothing wrong and I have gone above and beyond for him (which I have). Everything has been great, like every relationship we have our ups and downs. We have also been through so much shit. This is my best friend ladies and I miss him dearly.

I'm thinking about giving him another chance, but I'm not telling him that. Call me evil, but I want him to marinate in his miserableness for a little while longer.

What would y'all do?

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