Old boyfriend

Autumn • 25, Boy Mom 💙

Okay, I'm happily married, recently I ran into my old highschool/college boyfriend. we caught up, I was polite. Then he started talking about all the things he remembered. How we would get these really good pumpkin coffees out of a vending machine before class, about how we would take walks on the nature trails around campus, and that I love the rain because it's cool and refreshing and I like the way it makes the sky look. Just stuff like that, I felt to awkward but at the same time I thought it was so sweet. On to the problem, I would never cheat on my husband, I love him more than anything, and told him about this. That night, I had a dream about my old boyfriend! It was a bit explicit, what in the world!? I'm feeling so weird about this. Should I tell my husband about the dream? I don't want to lie to him, but at the same time I don't want him to worry about a dream I can't even control.