HCG 63,000 @ 5 weeks 5 days


I am wondering whether this is high for 5 weeks pregnant? I’m petrified it could be twins because of this and also my age! Does HCG relate to multiple pregnancies or can it just be random... I had another blood test yesterday so will see what it is one week later😱 I’m holding off for my scan as I don’t want to get in there and not see a heartbeat and get all disappointed/upset because the scan was too early... so I suppose time will tell! Interested to see what HCG levels others had at the same stage though🤔

UPDATE: HCG 152,000 at 6 weeks 4 days...

SCAN UPDATE: Baby measuring at 8 weeks 5 days so 4 days older which I’m now assuming is the reason my levels were so high. One perfect little bub with a strong heartbeat of 167bpm. Happy days. What a relief!😅💓🍀