Love πŸ˜πŸ’•

I have been talking to this man for over a year now. We started off as just friends. 1 bcz I was married. 2 he's not nowhere near my type (looks wise) that I normally go for. 3: neither one of us wanted to be in a relationship. We just had great chemistry and so our friendship started. I separated from my exhusband 3 months after me and (we will call him Will) started talking. He was really helpful during the separation. Not in the since of like cry on my shoulder just advice bcz he's been thru it!!

Okay so that's the back story. Here recently things have gotten more intimate. We of course had sex and it was amazing!!!! 😍 My dilemma is that I have fallen in love with him. He's been hurt and has trust issues. I know he cares for me it obvious. It's just idk if me fully confessing my love for him would be appropriate. His ex wife really messed him up. But I'm starting to feel like I have to get this off my chest. Idk what to do. I feel like he's my other half. Pls advise.