She’s finally here!


Our precious Lyra was born at 1222 pm on Oct 4 and we are already so in love!

She’s taking a nap right now so I figured now is a great time to write down our birth story, while it’s fresh in my mind.

We were scheduled for an induction on Oct 3 at 730 due to IUGR but there were no available beds until 2 pm. So at 2 pm we checked in and pitocin was started at 3 pm. I was already at 2 cm when I checked in and the OB swept my membranes again.

By 1230 am, I had progressed to a 3 but she was still high in my cervix so we couldn’t break my water just yet. Contractions were bearable but I was exhausted due to poor sleep for the last week and asked for the IV knock out drugs (can’t remember the name). Hubby and I both passed out for about 5.5 hours and it was fabulous!

When I woke up, I had progressed to a 4 and baby had moved low enough for the OB to break my water. That wasn’t as bad as it was the last time I gave birth but contractions definitely picked up within the hour.

Back labor was no joke! I was determined to give birth without an epidural but when (after 2 hours of incredibly intense contractions) I was still at a 4, I was so discouraged that I changed my mind. The epidural allowed me to rest a bit which was great but the catheter was so uncomfortable!

By 11, I had progressed to a 6 and the pain around my catheter was almost unbearable. At noon, I felt pressure in my rear and the catheter pain practically had my screaming. The nurse finally came in to check me and no wonder I was in so much pain! Baby’s head was right there!😱

Pushed for 20 mins and our precious girl entered the world at 5 lbs 7 oz and 18 inches long.

We couldn’t be happier and big brother can’t wait to meet her tomorrow!❤️