I'm just irritated 😑


For over a year now my husband and I have argued about his vending machine habits.

I am a pre school teacher and I pack snacks and a water for me to eat and drink while I'm at work and he works at a home appliance store.

I already know this issue is going to look small, it's more that he tells me what I want to hear and then continues to do what he's doing.

The vending machine costs between $1.25 to $2.00 at his work. There is literally no reason for him to purchase things from it. I get if he does it every once in a while like once a week or something like that but he purchases like five things daily from it and that adds up. Not to mention his work literally gives him lunch every day and they have free cold water bottles.

I have been arguing with him for over a year how it adds up and he needs to cut back and that maybe we could use the money he's spending on groceries or going out at the end of the week but nothing changes.

He says he will stop and then I check the bank account the next day and I see he has purchased three more items and all he has to say is "I wanted a drink". Well okay. We have drinks at home that you can take. I take all of my stuff to work and he is fed and given drinks up at his workplace but still buys things daily.

I am fed up. Ugh. 😩😩😩