Fingers Crossed


Im not even sure where to begin. I just recently returned from a deployment and when I went home on leave a relationship with my high school/ middle school sweetheart was rekindled, and one thing obviously led to the other, which jist happened to be during my ovulation period. Few days later I head back to my base and he stayed back home in Kansas. I can't lie at first I had thought I had the worst case of PMS, considering I normally don't PMS prior to my period, but I didn't think much of it and assumed my body was re-adjusting to not living with 10 other females in a tent. Anyway, period week comes beginning of September and I bled for maybe 24 hours, if that? still don't think much of it but decide to go ahead and let him know. took a couple tests and they come back negative. However these PMS symptoms have continued. So I do some looking into it, and maybe im insode my own head. But it could be early signs of pregnancy. the negative tests could also be due to my body not producing high amounts of HGC levels, which was the case in my first pregnancy. I went to do a pregnancy screening on base but they turned me away counting that 24 hours of bleeding as a period and told me to not come back until the 6th or 13th of October (gotta love Military Doctors) he's convinced I am, i hope I am, however I'm not I guess fingers crossed for Friday.