Bad girl

So my situation. I'm 32 and single and I met a guy who signed a 2 year lease with me for a fantastic apartment for ridiculously low rent. Like I pay $50 per month including utilities in an upscale apartment. Yes it is what it sounds like he comes over for sex when he wants. He's good looking and older and owns the building but doesn't want a relationship or even for me to remain exclusive only available when he wants to be there. No I am not dumb I am aware that he is likely married tho we've never talked about that. The lease is signed and he says if I am ever uncomfortable with the arrangement he will let me out of it no problem. The sex is obviously not on the document but I know if that stops he'll likely find a way to get out of the lease. He is also really into watching me with other guys and the more fun things like that that I do with him the more he buys me things and dotes over me. I know it's wrong but honestly I'm having fun and I get off on the arrangement too. I love having sex with other men and sometimes even women while he watches and I love my apartment. But I can't tell any of my friends or family what's going on so I just had to share this somewhere. It is to the point now that He hardly ever has sex with me himself usually he just watches me and other men. Ok. Go ahead. Tell me how bad of a person I am. I can take it. I hope. Or.... any girls out there that would do the same given the chance let me hear from you too!

Just so everyone knows the $50 is because it makes the lease actually legal and binding so as long as I pay it's all above board and I get to live there throughout the term no matter what. The actual rent is like $1,500 and I get the $50 back and then some in other gifts each month. But even if all the rest stopped or something happens to him I get to still live there for $50 all utilities paid.