felt alone after birth..

I just need to vent a little. I just gave birth 2 weeks ago. Of course nothing went as planned, and that's just fine. But when I look back I'm upset about things that happened afterwards. First of all, my husband started taking pictures after (which I am thankful for) but then proceeded to send the appropriate ones to people he was updating. I understand he was excited, but since baby had pooped in me he was on a table across the room getting checked out as I was getting stitched up. So I was getting stitches laying there all by myself as my husband sat there on his phone. Not to mention that I wasn't planning on sending pictures of baby right after birth, I intended on waiting until he had a hat on and was swaddled because I don't think people want to see blood and vernix on him. Thinking back makes me cry. I really felt alone but I don't want to bring it up because I don't want to hurt his feelings or make him feel bad.. am I silly for feeling this way?