My birth story


So it started Tuesday 9/26 (38w 4d), I went to the doctor because at the last appointment my fluid levels were low. This time my levels were great a 16. So when I seen my OB on Tuesday she said that the baby is measuring 9lbs 12oz. She stripped my membranes in hopes it would start my labor. So, I went home feeling cramps but nothing steady. So I got up the next morning 9/27, and went to work. I had contractions again but still the were sporadic. When I got off work to go get my oldest 2 children I was having contractions more regularly. So when I got home I called the doctor on call and waited for my husband to come home from work. The doctor said to come in. When she checked me at 6:30 my cervix was 3cm and 50%. They told me to walk for an hour so we did and I had some contractions that were getting stronger. At 7:30 she checked me again and I was 5cm. I was then admitted and got the epidural around 10 she checked me and I was 7cm. So I rested some but they had to break my water because of the baby’s HR kept dipping to 110 and put a node on his head to trace. The doctor came back in the room a little after 1 and said I was still 7. Around 2:15AM the nurse had me turn over and something felt different. So the doctor came in and checked me again, this time I was 10cm. I started pushing at 2:30AM and after pushing for what felt like forever! Logan Alan was born at 3:32AM on 9/28. Weighing 9lbs 2oz 21 3/4inches long.