Dealing with the past

Mattie • Married & a happy nurse 👩‍⚕️❤️

My fiancé & I have been together for three years. We dated for a year at one point & broke up for awhile & now we are back together. He’d been a little promiscuous before we ever dated, but in the period we were broken up he had sex with thirteen women, making his list a whopping nineteen. I see these women around town, in some of my college classes, & occasionally they come to the restaurant I work in. I’m not the jealous type, but it makes me cringe to see them. I don’t want to judge him for what he did when we weren’t together because I did things I’m not proud of too. But I can’t stand seeing those women. It physically upsets me to see them & think about the man I want to marry being with them in any way. I wanted to move away from our town & start fresh, where there isn’t any skeletons in either of our closets we don’t want to see. But he wants to stick around. I’m at a loss of what to do. I want to make him happy but at the same time, I’m sacrificing my own happiness. What should I do?