
I've got to vent somehow and kind of want to get people's feedback because I am literally at a point in my life where I have no one.. To start with, I had surgery a couple of days ago (5 incisions in my abdomen) and I can't really move a lot, and definitely can't get up and down on my own. My husband has been helping me as much as he can, but God knows I feel like such a huge bother. Partly because for some reason or another, I am SUPER emotional since surgery and I have no idea why.. so I'll get all emotional and then he'll get irritated with me and start being somewhat of an ass. Anyway, he has to go back to work today, and I have no idea how I'm going to get around on my own for the day. We live with my mom, (mostly because she wanted us to stay and help her with her bills), BUT, since my dad died almost 6 years ago, she has fallen into this "party" lifestyle, and she's literally never home- and when she is, she's sleeping. So last night I texted a super close friend of mine who was my roommate for about 5 years (she's definitely more like family) and asked if she would come spend the day with me while my husband was working (she knows all the details). She says yes, but after I asked her about what time would she be able to come, she never replied. So then I texted my mom last night, (while she's out partying or whatever), and asked if she would be home today to sit with me, and if she could wake me up at 7AM to get my husband up (since the surgery, neither of us have gotten a lot of sleep and I knew the alarm wouldn't wake us up), and she says yes. Well here we are at around 6:30AM (I still haven't went to sleep because of the pain, and in fear of my husband not waking up for work) and I text her to see when she'll be home, and she replies with "IDK".. So now, it's almost 7AM, I haven't gotten any sleep, I am absolutely STARVING, I'm about to wake up my husband for work, and I'm about to be home alone all day while I can't even get up off the couch to go pee on my own. Not to mention, I'm stressing about getting work done for a couple college classes, and also I'm feeling like shit because not once since surgery has my "bestfriend" even attempted to ask how I'm doing (when I was by her side almost 2 hours from home for 2 days about 2 years ago when she was rushed into emergency surgery). Sorry... I just needed somewhere to vent, someone to tell me if I'm overreacting, and someone to tell me that I will get out of this rut I'm in lately.