help please

I never had a period last no2 th, she never showed, I have no reason as to why but there we are, this past week I'm feeling dizzy, constant headaches, my breasts are aching more so on the sides and feeling heavy, they defo are bigger, my areolas look dark, last week I was having left side pain and it's still tender but nothing bad, my stomach is so bloated I already look 4 months pregnant, I'm so tired, I have a food aversion to eggs, I can't look at them without wanting to feel sick and they are my fave food to eat, I'm having quite alot of nausea and it's starting to wake me up through the night, I'm also waking to go pee too, I feel an emotional mess lately, my eyes hurt, I was having cramps last week but that has never returned, sometimes I'm having sharp pains when I go to stand up as if the muscles have strung to tight, 8dpo......what does everyone thing could I be pregnant just too early to test (having shadow lines and negatives) or does it sound like pms