Baby #2 and surgery

Sabrina • 35, Wife to an incredible man 💑 Mama to a perfect little boy October 11, 2016 👶🏻, MC October 2017 👼🏼, and our rainbow baby boy born July 18, 2018 🌈

Hey ladies! So I just got my BFP this morning for baby #2!! 😁

Only issue...I’m supposed to have surgery to remove my gallbladder this afternoon...

They did a blood test yesterday at my appointment and I knew they were checking for pregnancy and that why I did the home one this morning. Now they will most likely cancel my surgery. I’m upset because I’ve been having issues all summer and my surgeon told me it could be worse during pregnancy. My husband is happy, but upset because he says we should’ve been really careful until after my surgery. In a way I don’t care because having another baby is what I wanted most. But now I’m torn and confused...