next to nothing basically

im having some serious pregnancy symptoms, I've been testing all week now and some are sooo faint they may Aswel be negatives, I took a strip test earlier today with a 4 hour hold and the line appeared within the time limit, I even managed to get a picture with it and I made sure I could see because my friend could aswel, my symptoms are I'm having alot of nausea and it's waking me up, I've had a headache for nearly 2 weeks now that won't go away, I feel wet all the time too not sure if that's part of it, I'm bursting to pee nearly every time, not really wanting to eat much at the minute because I feel I don't want it, my breasts are hurting me, more so on the sides, I had left side cramping last week that has not returned, really emotional lately too, I never had a period September but august I had a period and a 3 day vvv light bleed, if I count these 3 days as implantation period it would make me 5 weeks + I've had bloods done that all came back no action required, so I don't know what to do anymore it's stressing me out my body