Prego pals!??

💋A Babin🌸 • Conspiracy theorist 🤷🏻‍♀️ married to the man of my dreams💍 two kids, one in the oven due may2018

So my lifelong friend here found out she was pregnant just after I did, and was actually almost a week behind me! We were super excited of course.

Then a couple days ago she had a miscarriage and is very depressed and I feel extremely awkward talking with her about my pregnancy now 😕 I don't like being excited and sharing things with her and am taking a step back for her space and feelings.

So, here I am! Any of you May 2018 ladies would like a solid girlfriend to talk exciting prego things with and compare prego symptoms and stories and share cute prego things with??

I have no social media except instagram, and texting!

My IG is -- queenvalhallafitness

If you'd like to be texting pals instead lmk and I'll pass my number. I'm open to friends from all over!! I live near Houston Texas myself.

I don't have a lot of personal friends anymore since becoming married and pregnant. I need some ladies to share the excitement with!

♥️ and, if you live within a few hours of Houston, we can even meet up and shop together