To my Ex

I think of you every day. The searing pain is for the most part subsided, and has been substituted for a dull ache.

Living without my confidant, my partner, my best friend, my love, has been a sobering experience. Despite still loving you, I knew that with time our relationship would sour, and I couldn't bear the thought of lying to you about my feelings the way I did with the ones before.

We both have a lot of growing to do, I need to learn to be happy and love myself just as much as when I was with you. You need to tend to the wounds of your past, and I can't teach you how to sew your own stitches.

I wish I could have met you later in life, when we could be more whole as people, when there weren't obstacles around every corner, but I will never regret being with you.

You changed me for the better, and I will never forget all of the joy and love I experienced with you.

You will always have a place in my heart, and hopefully one day we will meet again.

I love you, I just wish it was enough.