How do I ask her to stop ?


so ... my husband and I play a game called clash of clans on our phones just something that keeps us connected in some way and on this game there are "clans" or a group of friends that battle together and work to get trophies together. I joined my husband's clan recently and I know most of the people on there in real life because they are my husband's friends (important fact) there just happens to b one other female in the clan besides me and recently joined right before I did. now I look at other females in games as buddies "we're gunna kick these mens asses" kinda thing lol but recently this other female (we'll call her betty) has been making inappropriate comments such as booty fingering, spanking, pulling hair, and the most recent panty dropping. now I don't want to b bitchy but I don't think that that is appropriate shit for a public chat especially if MY husband is reading it . how do I ask her to keep it PG13 or take the sexual crap to some sort of pm without seeming like a bitch to my husband's friends or offend anyone or seeming super insecure?