Pumping, burping, pacifiers and bottles for moms exclusively breastfeeding


I need advice.

When should I start pumping? How do you all pump (like what's your schedule? When do you do it, how do you store it, etc.) I'm 3 1/2 weeks post partum and I don't want to give my baby a bottle or pacifier because I don't want her to prefer the bottle and I don't want to give a pacifier in fear that she will stop latching on right.

Sometimes my baby makes the clicking noise for a second and then latches properly again but it hurts for that second and I don't want her to enjoy doing that.

Which bottles or pacifiers are best to avoid nipple confusion?

& lastly, how do you personally burp your baby? Do you burp after they've fallen asleep as well? How many burps do you get out of them?

I just want to hear everyone's methods and what works for them because I'm confused from all the conflicting information out there.