Not posting my kid on social media....

I’ve decided that when my child is born I won’t be posting pictures of her online. There are creeps on the internet, people obsess over children. People turn anyone into memes, People even share pictures of kids and say “daughter goals😍”

I’m sorry but thats a huge no-no. I’d go crazy seeing my child exploited on social media. My sister has had issues with someone taking my niece’s pictures and claiming her as her daughter. That creeps me out that someone would do such a thing. I have a nice following on social media (about 20k followers on both instagram and twitter.) I’ve had people pretend to be me(create fake pages). I want to save my child from all the exposure that I receive. (understandable, right?) I tweeted that I won’t be posting my daughter and have received so many snide comments. (Not all negativity, there’s some people who understand my decision). I’ve been told that I let the amount of followers I have get to my head. I’ve had people ask me who I think I am to be “trying to live a private life”. I’ve even been told that I must think I’m Beyoncé for keeping my child off the internet. There’s more but that’s just a few of the weird things people had to say to me. I’m like if you’re this hurt about me not posting my child than I’m actually making the right decision because why do you care so much? I do know that not everyone who follows me have bad intentions but oh well. I’ve posted a ton of pregnancy pictures and shared some of my pregnancy experiences via tweets so people feel entitled to see my baby when she’s actually here. I don’t see how that corresponds at all. I asked my boyfriend (it’s his child too) what he thinks about not posting our daughter on social media, and he’s cool with that. I’m writing this post to ask what do you all think about me choosing not to post pictures of my kid? I’m not “doing too much”, right? By any means if you’re with the people who feel like “I think i’m beyoncé” share your insight too, I guess. I may create a facebook and have everything private and add only family so I can share pictures with them? Just give me feedback on this whole situation. Thanks