Which would you pick?


So as some of you know, my son is in the NICU. He was admitted for respiratory issues at birth. Later they found two holes in his heart, he was diagnosed with persistent pulmonary hypertension, and his trisomy 21 was confirmed. One hole in his heart has closed. The other one is small. The pressure in his lungs has gotten better. Now we're working on his feeding issues. He'll breast feed really well for four feeds at night, but he sleeps through his four feeds during the day. By bottle he's only taken two full feeds and one quarter feed. So basically he isn't eating the way he needs to. The only reason he's in the NICU still is for eating reasons so they want to work to discharge him.

There's two options, really since he's been in the NICU for six weeks. NG tube and G tube.

NG tube goes through his nose. The pro to that is there's no surgery. The con to that is risk of aspiration, damage to the esophagus and stomach flap, and he could pull it out which I'm sure causes damage.

The G tube goes straight into the stomach. The pros are there aren't the risks that come with the NG tube. He can also still do everything a normal kid can do like roll, swim, take baths, etc. The cons are the risks that come with surgery.

We're not sure how long he'll need it. Could be a month, could be years. If it's only a month, surgery could've been pointless, but at least it heals easily and doesn't require surgery to close.

Which would you choose?

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