What started as a routine anatomy scan turned into a c-section🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️So today 10


What started as a routine anatomy scan turned into a c-section🤷🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️

So today 10.02.17 I went to the hospital affiliated with my dr's office to have a routine growth scan done and that's when things went left. Okay so let's rewind 3 weeks ago I came into the same location to have my 32 week growth scan done and everything went well; baby was measuring on point, everything was going good with her, heartbeat was strong per usual. At the end of the scan the radiologist tech told me to come back in 3 weeks because baby was being stubborn and she was unable to get a proper image of the bladder. Other than that everything was great and my pregnancy was going well. Maybe 6 days later I realized that my baby was beginning to slow down her movements, I talk to my mom and my mom friends about it they all brushed it off to her running out of space with me approaching the end of my pregnancy and all. I take what they say with a grain of salt knowing I have another appt with my OB coming up the following week where I'd just bring it to his attention. So 09.28.17 I go see my OB for my now weekly appt, excited because the count down to baby is real 🤗. I have my 6 questions in tow( I've been asking my OB 6 birth and delivery related questions since 30 weeks) I go in he does a sono, I voice my concerns about the decrease in movement he does another sono, this time he uses a little buzzer to get her active he also checks my fluid all is well he told me at night after dinner when I'm ready for bed have a glass of apple or orange juice over crushed ice and lay in a dark, quiet room on my left side and count her movements which should be 10 in an hour. He advised me if I don't feel 10 go to L&D for further testing. So that night I do all that I have to do I eat dinner and I have some apple juice over crushed ice(about 8-10 ounces) before I even lie down she's bouncing all over I surpassed 10 movements before I even got comfortable so I'm saying to myself "you have to stop worrying so much". So from that night I continue that routine and I realize she's been more active throughout the days as well so I too started accrediting her decreased movement on her getting bigger, me being further along in my pregnancy and her running out of room. I do some light reading on google just to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing( google can be your best friend and your worst enemy so proceed with caution) everything I read supports my theory so my nerves are calm now. I go through my weekend as regular, hung out with my family and got some rest. So here we are now back at 10.02.17 I wake up at 5:44 because I have to drive about a hour away to pick up my grandmother this is the first appt she's been able to attend with me (I'm a grandma's girl😊...been attached to her since birth and this is my first pregnancy so glad she can be apart of it.) So I pick her up and we head to the appt which is scheduled for 8:30 however we get there 30 minutes late due to rush hour traffic ugggh NY😩. I sign in and I'm waiting to go in (details: I've been coming to Katz Women's Hospital LIJ for the duration of my pregnancy for all growth and anatomy scans and have had the same tech every time) so they call me back first thing I notice is I have a different tech today😔 I attribute that to my tardiness but still I'm a little disappointed I've grown attached to the familiarities throughout my pregnancy. We get set up she starts the scan she's not as inviting as my usual tech whom affectionately calls my baby "peanut" (I'm sure she calls them all the same thing but it's just something I've grown use to). She's taking the scans and I'm realizing she's repeating scans over and over and then she checks the blood flow and steps out to speak to the dr. She comes back she says the dr wants her to repeat the blow flood scan and check the fluid she does this again steps out and comes back and say the dr wants her to check one more time. At this point I'm panicking it's too much back and forth and not enough being said so now I'm crying I say to her can you please just stop and send the dr in here because now I'm worried she apologizes and step out to get the dr. My grandmother comes to hug me and tells me everything is going to be fine don't worry about it and she starts telling me about how much she prays for me and my baby ( did I mention how amazing my grandmother is?? She's truly the best, I wish I could bottle her up and gift her) she puts her hands on my belly and she prays for us right there and calms me down as best as she can (background: I've been suffering from PCOS for years I'm 28 and I had recently lost 22 pounds with some lifestyle and eating changes so I was 149 when I conceived. Actively tried to conceive in the previous 7 years with my high school sweetheart nothing worked and then when I tried to avoid conceiving BOOM 💥 baby lol) so to sum it up this baby is my EVERYTHING!! So the dr comes in and she asks me have I been experiencing any leaking and I tell her I haven't to my knowledge. She goes on to explain my fluid is really low and the baby is having growth restrictions and she's measuring small for her gestational age. She recommends I do a NST while she consults with my OB to reach a decision on whether they want to induce me that day or later in the week. (Did I mention I'm a panicker?? I'm 35 weeks 2 days at this appt, I haven't gotten anything ready I was suppose to finish baby shopping that coming Saturday with my mom, I don't have anything put together this just wasn't part of the plan) so I'm doing the NST and they take my blood pressure 180/117😳...the nurse is like is your pressure usually this high I'm like "no I'm scared I walked in feeling fine and now you guys are talking about me giving birth today at 35 weeks...I just don't want anything to be wrong with my baby". So she's like okay well calm down everything is going to be fine, just relax and I'll come back and check your pressure again in a while. So I'm trying to stay calm but they just keep coming in the room telling me my baby is probably sleeping and they need her to be active to fully access her heart rate so I'm like okay let me drink something cold and get her moving, they bring me some ice water I drink it she moves around a little then back to sleep she goes. After about 2 hours on the monitor my dr advise 

them to admit me and start the induction process😩😰.

Part 2.

So I go downstairs to L&D to start my admission process and I walk up to the counter and just start crying...I'm not ready she's too small she needs at least 2 more weeks her lungs aren't ready😰. "Hi I'm here to be admitted" the admittance clerk looks at me and just says "ohhh don't cry sweetie what's your last name and I tell her and she's like oh they want you to come back right away follow me someone will come to your room and go through your paperwork with you, don't cry your going to be fine". I get in the room they give me my gown and tell me to get comfy gown open to the back no panties. From there they start my IV line, and all the meds are starting to be pushed for my sudden onset of preeclampsia. They give me labetalol for the hypertension and magnesium to prevent seizures, they start running labs, I gave what seemed to be 100 vials of blood. Questions after questions about my health history, then insurance questions, then they came to do a cervix check to see if I was dilated( I wasn't, up until that morning I wasn't even having a baby that day) they finally got through that process and transferred me from triage to an actual room where the induction process started. Cytotec oral to ripen my cervix...3 cycles of 20 then 3 cycles of 40 and 3 cycles of 60 to finish it out I only made it to the first dose of 40 which was around 2am and from about 12am to 4am the contractions were intense but I was breathing through them, I wanted to at least experience labor before I ordered up my epidural because my intentions were always to go through the least amount of pain getting her into the world. With that being said I found out that you cannot control your labor process it controls you. Around 5am on 10.03.2017 I got my epidural because they wanted to put in a foley bulb and I refused unless they administered one. I also refused because sometimes you go through that entire process and still don't dilate, I wanted a straight to the point birth no guinea pigging. Either I was going to do the cytotec then pitocin and give vaginal birth or I was going to get a csection I just didn't want a long drawn out labor simply because my baby wasn't thriving in the environment she was in (being no fluid, restricted space and me having the onset preeclampsia) let's get her out as soon as possible and do whatever we need to once she's here. All I cared about once I started the induction process was having a healthy baby, forget how I felt anymore life was no longer about me. So I got the foley bulb and the contractions are coming still but I don't feel them. I have my grandmother with me and my bf and my mom is on her way with my cousin and my nephew. Around 9:40ish the OB intern came in and told me that my baby's heart rate was too stable and they needed to tickle her head with the foley bulb to stimulate her to move now I'm frustrated, I'm tired I've been at the hospital since the previous morning with nothing, no comfortable clothes, no hospital bag and on top of that I can't eat because now I'm in the labor process I'm just over it. Just when my attitude was about to kick in the intern was paged to another room for a mom that was ready to push(lucky her😒). So now I'm just waiting again and in walks my OB, it's nice to see a familiar face when you've had a team of dr's poking and prodding at you for over 24 hours. He looks at me and says "so your giving trouble I hear" lol immediately changes my mood, I start to voice to him my concerns and he's on the same page as me. FINALLY someone who gets what I've been saying!!! We talk back and forth about the induction process and how no significant progress is being made, he tells me he's removing the foley bulb and breaking whatever water I have left and we are going in for a csection. He said at this point vaginal labor is 12-14 hours ahead of us and baby's heart rate isn't tolerating the environment well. When I tell you a wave of relief washed over me😌...all I want is for my baby to be okay. I ask him how long do we have until surgery he said about 30 minutes or so and I ask him can we wait for my mom to arrive. My very simple birth requirements were if I gave vaginal birth everyone could be there but if I had to have a csection my mom was going in there with me. My mom had 2 csections herself and she was in the room for my nephews csection on top of that she works in healthcare. I trusted that if I was incoherent she was the best person to advocate for me and my child. About an hour or so later we went into the OR I get my new epidural and I can't feel a thing below my belly button. The epidural did make me shake however which wasn't that bad. The anesthesiologist used the heated blanket device and got me warm, I was still shivering but I wasn't cold and my surgery started. 

Part 3.

So I'm getting my csection they get to my baby and she's stuck...they're tugging and adjusting and tugging and can't get her out😖. Finally they get a good grip on her and they're able to get her out and she's not breathing😰. They're trying everything to get her to breathe and nothing is working. My mom is looking over at her at telling me step by step what they're doing and she's in a panic like she's literally rubbing my face in a circular motion with her hand. I turned my head to her and I said "Ma calm down stop crying, hold my hand..she looked at me with tears in her eyes and I said Ma do you really think God would bring me this far to leave me now? Do you?" In this time there calling a code for my baby and I'm calm, I'm covered, God got me...and guess what my baby started crying😩...at that moment I cried. That was the best moment of my life thus far to hear her little cry. Kassidy Jade was born 10.03.2017 @ 11:40am weighing 3lbs 13oz and 17.3 inches long /35 weeks 2 days . She's breathing on her own, she's eating on her own, she's latching, she doesn't have jaundice, she's passing all her examinations. My daughter is blessed and I couldn't be more happy, I feel like my life is finally complete. I know my birth story was long but I hope you enjoyed it. Congrats to all the new moms and the moms to be!!!!