Ok is it still possible??...


Ok ladies I need to know if anyone else has been thru this. I have PCOS so I don't have regular cycles. I don't have a problem conceiving because I have 3 healthy children. This past year I think the PCOS has flared up. Last period was aug 27 or 28th, I had sex in my fertile window sept 17th twice when I ovulated ( I ovulate later) oct 1st The day before my new period I had on and off spotting when I wiped only and not in my underwear, that is not normal for me, period started Monday oct 2nd and wasn't much there yesterday or today and my period normally last 5-7 days. I've been having several pregnancy symptoms since like 2dpo and sex and they haven't went away. HPTs have been negative and I went to OBGYN today and that was negative. They drew blood and did a pelvic exam and I'll have an ultrasound of my internal lady parts next Wednesday. Has anyone been thru anything like this and gotten negative pregnancy tests but ended up pregnant anyway?? ( I'll find out Wednesday for sure if I am or not by ultrasound)