
Lydia • First time Momma
A few days ago they told me my baby wasn't going to make it. So many unanswered questions. And I feel tortured by the thought of my dead baby just trapped inside me... does this make anybody else sick and freaked out? Then I had a dream last night that my baby was ok... so, that messed with me.. and then I think about it and I still feel pregnant... I'm still lightheaded, exhausted, nauseous & put off by certain smells. Why? Why do I still feel this way! And not bleeding yet... occasionally the tiniest tinge of brown. When will this hell be over?! The not know is eating at me... I have a 12month old and I'm just drained.. I just feel like I can't even begin to process this when it's physically still in me and hasn't actually miscarried. Oh Mommas... I'm so sorry for all of ur losses. This is just so heartbreaking isn't it.... 💔