When your pregnancy lands you in an HR meeting...


Today I was sitting in my office and got a call asking me to go to HR. I'd announced my pregnancy at work about a month ago (which I was crazy nervous about) and everyone took it surprisingly well, so I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. So I'm like, shit. It's time. They're going to fire me or something.

I walked into her office and she asked me to shut the door and have a seat. This is an actual picture of my face:

So I have a seat and I must obviously look terrified, because she turns to me and is like "HEY DON'T WORRY, I have good news!"

And I'm like, "What?"

She then proceeded to tell me that one of my coworkers is donating 40 hours of his sick leave to me for my maternity leave...I'm just sitting there in disbelief.

I'm like, "is that even allowed??" And she says that it is in special circumstances and it's been approved by my boss.

So then me and all my pregnant feels are like:

It's easy to forget that there are people out there who care about you. I've been at my work for almost five years and I often forget how lucky I am, feel like I'm dredging on through the days, just ready to go home, feeling very small in the world.

Please remember there are people who have you in their thoughts (this coworker and I barely talk more than simple greeting and small talk each day).

So keep in mind: you are all important and loved.
