Sex with stretch marks, cellulite, or varicose veins?

I'm typically slender in my upper body and always have been but I'm thicker in my lower body which I suppose is normal. My body is great actually but I have this weird fear of sex because of the stretch marks on my butt and the cellulite on my thighs. not to mention I have light varicose veins. it's only on my butt and thighs. My stomach and everywhere else is perfect. I'm afraid that I'll run a guy away if h

e ever knows about it and it's frustrating. I guess my point in writing this is to see if any other women can relate and to see if there are any workouts or remedies that you guys have tried that have been successful. I realize some of it is permanent which is cool but I want to at least make it less noticeable. Plus, it'd be nice to at least be able to wear shorts in public sometimes you know?

I'll be going off to college soon and I'm pretty sure I'll be doing some experiencing when the time is right but I don't want this to be the reason why I can't enjoy myself.