My husband upgraded


My husband and I got married with nothing to our names. We’re both in college and got married at 20 and 21. We didn’t have money so my rings were just some small rings but I loved them so much. It was a representation of our commitment to each other, regardless of how broke we were. We both worked part time and went to school full time. Only God knows how we made it. In July we went through a miscarriage and it was tough. On top of that he had just gotten fired and we were struggling financially. Fast forward to now, I’m expecting my rainbow baby. we were both able to get good paying jobs and we are by no means rich, but we don’t struggle as much as before. He was reflecting on it this weekend so To celebrate my husband upgraded my rings, he says they’re from “wifey” rings to “baby mama” rings 😂. I loved my other ones so much, and plan on giving them to my children. I have them saved for when my children decide they want to get married. These I love too as they’re a symbol of how far along we’ve come. By no means am I bragging on my ring. I just want to let any fellow young brides (or any brides for that matter) that may be struggling that it does get better even if you may not see it.

Ps. Excuse my chubby fingers lol