Family Conflict

So posting annon. Just in case there's a small chance people know me on here.

A few years ago my brother got married, and that wedding separated the family quite badly. I have gone about 4 years without speaking to my brother after I've tried reaching out in the beginning, only to be shut down. Same goes for my parents, although they have sporadically reached out every now and than only to be shut down.

He has never met my daughter, his niece. I don't even know if he's aware I'm pregnant and due in November. He shut us out all due to his wife.

A lot of people warned him if her, if you didn't speak anything but nice about her you got the cold shoulder.

I ended up not attending his wedding.

Fast forward to present I have learned from another sibling who speaks to us and him, that he is getting a divorce.

After cutting us out for her, she came home one day and told him "I want a divorce."

I am hurt for him. From what I hear he stopped going to work, he's getting tickets for not updating his tabs and just all in all isn't taking it well.

I don't have his number or his address. And I was asked by my sibling not to reach it because my brother doesn't want us to know.

I think he is ashamed, and thinks we are going to judge.

I have written a short letter telling him how sad I am for him and that no matter I would always be there for him. But I don't know when I'll even be able to get it to him.