
Ok I just need to vent a little. I’m an elementary education major and I’m working full time and my boyfriend and I live together so I’m closer to work and school and I just have so much going on I feel like I’m drowning. I am failing classes because I’m behind on school work. I can’t afford to work less hours at my job because I have bills and a car payment and stuff. I want to be done with school so bad. I was supposed to graduate this coming may, and my graduation date has been pushed back till next December. I want to be out of college so bad and not have to work where I work anymore because I’m so unhappy. But I’m so stressed and unhappy with college and ready to be done that I just want to drop out because I have so much going on. I know some people are gonna be like “well I went to college and I’m a full time mother and work full time” and this stuff but I can’t stress enough how difficult my work is. I have field experience so it’s like having multiple jobs at multiple schools along with my full time job and school. I’m sorry. I know this is long and no one probably cares but I feel like no one understands and I just needed to vent to someone...