Beginning of the end...


So for the last few weeks now my boyfriend and I have been in a weird place. I don't know if we will get out of this rut. We've talked some and he says he wants to try but he doesn't want things to get like it is with his ex. And if we have to end it we will. I don't want to, I want to give it all I've got. He says he still loves me but his actions and silence say otherwise. I'm trying so hard not to give up but it so hard when he doesn't even want to hold my hand or touch me. We barely talk anymore. He went out tonight because he had to get out of the house and when he got back he went straight outside to drink, didn't say hi to me nothing. He stayed outside for more than an hour and just came to bed and passed out. I was spotting and cramping today and he didn't even bother to ask it if stopped or how I was feeling. He hasn't wanted to touch my belly to feel the baby move. It's his first boy after 3 girls and probably his last baby. It hurts so much I want us to go back to being us. I love him so much but I can't help but feel he doesn't want the same thing. I feel like he's waiting till at the baby is born to end it. I'm so lonely and hurt and sad. I just don't know what to do anymore...