Pregnancy in unknown location


Has anyone ever had this before? I am unsure of my dates as I ne'er had AF after stopping taking the contraceptive pill, just a withdrawal bleed then a long wait and a BFP(or ten). From the first day of the withdrawal bleed which the doctors went off I should be eight weeks.

On Wednesday I started to spot light pink that became bright red so I went straight to Our local EPU. Blood tests and urine confirm pregnancy however after a transvaginal scan all the could see was a shadow in the uterus and a shadow on my right ovary.

Apparently there are the outcomes

1) I am pregnant but the dates are wrong and it's still to early to see

2) I am pregnant and it ectopic

3) I am having a miscarriage

I go back to the hospital for more testing today.

Has anyone ever been through this? What was the outcome? Super scared right now