"My dog knew.."


I can't help but laugh at this however I know it is true 100%. My dog Remington knew my best friend was pregnant. How do we know? He was the most scared dog I have had in a long time and would hide in corners or beside us when we took him out and even used to in our own home(I have no idea as to why but rest assured he is a normal dog most of the time now). When he met April that was the first person he walked up to that wasn't us, let alone pet him. However it was only after she was pregnant. All my friends say you'll know you are pregnant when your dog starts acting weird. What are they supposed to do? Remington's first reaction is to jump on the bed and flop (yes FLOP) right down next to me and put his head on my stomach. He always is smelling my stomach or my boobs. Ariat never leaves my side and is always protective, my fiance can't even pick me up off the couch when I am pouting(yes like a toddler I admit to my crime of adult tantrums) without her trying to jump on him until she decides if it is serious. If she is in her kennel? She is going to alert the whole neighborhood that I am being "forced against my will" to go back to the bedroom. My dogs do everything someone expects when you are pregnant however I am not lol