No AF for 6 months

Kristyn • Trying for baby #2

I'm writing this because I'm very frustrated and upset with what is happening to me. I have always been a regular person always got my period on time never missed a period at all until I got pregnant with my first child. I was off the pill for 6 months when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. in that span of 6 months I still got my period every month. I just went off the pill again in April and since April I haven't gotten a period. It's been 6 months and no period, and I'm not pregnant. I'm so frustrated. It's so hard to try and get pregnant because I have no idea if I'm ovulating and I'm not sure when to test because I have no missed period to indicate if I could be pregnant. We are trying for baby #2 and with all of this happening it makes me wonder if that will even be possible now. I have a specialists appointment on the 31st to see what's going on. Has anyone ever struggled with this or something similar to this? I am at a loss and I don't know what to think.