Bedbugs?! you kidding me!!

Rachel • This is the result of having sex.

So, around 1am i was checking my phone and i saw a bug crawling towards me. I grabbed it, took it into my bathroom and immediately recognized what it was. An adult bed bug that hadn't eaten yet, when I smashed it no blood came out. I decided to start the drill of pulling my sheets and blankets off slowly. My $300 mattress topper and foam topper. To realize that they have laid eggs. So, I scoured more and found particles of their exoskeletons. Not hundreds, but enough to make me strip my room. Where in the world did they come from? My son is babysat at my home, and I don't work somewhere that we would bring these home. My babysitters son developed a rash twice, starting out as bumps, and the doctor said eczema. She works at a hotel on the weekends. I am beside myself, sick to my stomach. I am moving in 8 days, and now I have to get rid of my couch, mattress, box spring, son's mattress, my bedding, some pillows, his pillow pets. I already had barely anything and now I nearly have nothing. I cannot even afford to have it hauled away. I have been doing load after load of hot water laundry and high heat dry. I have to call in to work today, because I cannot let this spread. the worst part is, she took no blame, not even a maybe it came from her job! Thank you for for your services. **To add: I work in a very sterilized environment. I change my shoes before coming home, my clothes immediately go in the wash when I step in. I live in a home, not an apartment. I haven't been to friends homes lately, or out to eat, or to a hotel. No one comes and goes except the kids, her and I. Plus, while I praise her for her 2nd income, it is the two shittiest hotels located directly next to the truck stop and local strip club.