Pediatrician yelled at me


I had taken Baby to the ER because she stopped breathing and a week later I needed to have surgery so I left my baby who was a week old with my mom, unfortunately while I was in surgery her bellybutton got infected and it was a weekend my mom panicked and took her to the ER.. when I took baby to her follow up appointment with her pediatrician he yelled at me for taking her to the ER and claiming I don’t know anything because I’m a first time mom. I was so pissed off!! I just had surgery I haven’t seen my baby in a week, I just had surgery and I can’t take time off to recuperate because I have a newborn. And knowing my baby was in the hospital while I was in the hospital made me depressed! And he had decided to yell at me for that!! Can you switch doctors? How is your pediatrician? Has anyone had bad experiences also?