Convo between my husband and his mom

Isabella • Wife 💍 Mother 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Medicine 💊

So I’m lost at words. My husband allowed his mom to be on our bank account and she takes out money every 2 weeks. I agreed to it years ago but now, she takes out whatever she pleases. I’ve tried talking to my husband about his mom taking out between $100-$300 within a week of us getting paid and he still won’t talk to her about this. I’m just so lost cause I’ve deactivated her card and she reactivated it. I’ve had her removed from the bank account and she appeared back on it. She only has a family of 2 (herself and her son) while we have a family of almost 4. We opened a new bank account and to this day my husband won’t switch his pay but I switched mine just last night of finding this out. I want to smack this bitch in this face so bad but I don’t want to cause problems. I’m so lost about this. I have no idea what to do.

UPDATE: I called her and tried to talk to her about the account and the money she’s been taking, and she told me that her son won’t abandoned her and I can fuck off. I told my husband what she had said and he realized that he was being stupid and he switched his pay. His mom knows about us switching our pay and she had the nerve to ask him if she could be on the account again! BITCH NO! My husband feels used and pathetic. His mom lied about having a job and we’ve basically been supporting her whole household. I don’t care if they end up on the streets.